My GrandpaT always said at nearly every meal to at least one of us grandkids "Why don't you eat and leave the food alone?" Which, to a 5 yr old, is pretty confusing. I think I have it figured out, but don't tell my family. We all believe what we want about Grandpa's words of wisdom on just about everything in the world.
For me, I will simply say - it makes me wonder what in the world I really have eaten myself into...

Friday, April 22, 2011

Weight Down!!!!!!

Yup - down 5 lbs according to the doc's scale. But - my blood pressure is up again. I attribute that to being at work again. I really am not meant to be a working mom. I'm supposed to be a stay at home mom. I stress so much about money. I should just never have to worry about anything but my dishes and laundry and dusting and making sure my family is fed.

That is my dream. To have enough money one day that I can stay at home and not work. So - until that day comes... I work.

I don't have much else to say today. Weekends seem to be pretty drama free for us, and relaxed. We're decorating EASTER EGGS TODAY! WooHoo!! Picture Op anyone?

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