My GrandpaT always said at nearly every meal to at least one of us grandkids "Why don't you eat and leave the food alone?" Which, to a 5 yr old, is pretty confusing. I think I have it figured out, but don't tell my family. We all believe what we want about Grandpa's words of wisdom on just about everything in the world.
For me, I will simply say - it makes me wonder what in the world I really have eaten myself into...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Why? When all the other crap is so much fun to deal with!?

First - my advice to two young marrieds I know who are separated and divorcing.. geezus, merry, and wycleff... can't yall keep it off Facebook? People are losing JOBS because of the things they say flippantly and in good fun on that thing. Here you are trashing each other for all the world and YOUR GRANDPARENTS to see! Where's your lawyers kids? At least they should know better...

Whew - just had to get that off my considerable chest. NEXT!!! Hunni - really? You wanna pick on her saying "I know" all the time? There is so much more we have to deal with, and I'm really trying hard to not get pissed off about you saying "I know, and the list is getting longer".

edit: yes - I know I just did what I just advised my young friends against doing...but I'm allowed because this is a BLOG... and even if you figure out who I am (or know right away cuz I didn't try real hard to hide it), I'm going to say "It's not the same thing". And blithely go on about my day as if I didn't just basically say my hunni was being a douche tonight. He isn't usually and he has earned a ton of panty points for those times when he it's OK.

OK, I'm better now. Let's see...
Today I ate: A bowl of cereal, three, two and a half No-Bake Cookies (I dropped half of one and couldn't reach the floor board to get it because my jeans are too tight), a hot dog, and french fries, more Dr. Pepper. I love this diet - if only it worked....

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