My GrandpaT always said at nearly every meal to at least one of us grandkids "Why don't you eat and leave the food alone?" Which, to a 5 yr old, is pretty confusing. I think I have it figured out, but don't tell my family. We all believe what we want about Grandpa's words of wisdom on just about everything in the world.
For me, I will simply say - it makes me wonder what in the world I really have eaten myself into...

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Bariatric Bypass Surgery (TBBS) #9 - The Update Excitation

It's been 4 months now since my surgery. Wednesday the 18th will be 16 wks.

Just so you understand where I've been:

In 2001 I was at my lowest adult weight: 194 lbs

I got pregnant in 2003, and the pregnancy triggered Grave's Disease.

In 2007 I was at my highest weight: 330+ lbs
I had Radiation done to my thyroid during that year because of the Grave's Disease. I have been up and down the scale a lot since then.

January 24, 2016 I weighed in at 316 lbs
Day of surgery - 9/28/16 I weighed in at 307 lbs
I've lost steadily since then, and now weigh in at 232 lbs. Nearly down 100 lbs from my highest.

I'm almost down where I was when Hubs and I met in college.
I've been this weight a large portion of my 20's, so it's comfortable. I don't feel "fat" anymore. Actually it amazes me that I feel so thin since I distinctly remember being "fat" at this weight way back then.
It's been 13 yrs since I was this weight last. I was anyway
I cross my legs all the time now.
I use regular bathroom stalls without having to be a contortionist (This is a HUGE Victory for us chubby chics!!!)
I have gone from a size 26W (Womans) to an 18 Misses/16W. That's pretty amazing.. but I have no clothes. Santa gave me Gift Certificates and Cash tho, so I get to go shopping!
I'm COLD all the time!

In one years time I've changed. I'm finding passion in things I wouldn't have ventured out to try before, and absolutely loving my life. I really can't wait to see what's next!

Here are some pictures to show you my evolution:

The weight on this face though!

2 yrs ago. That's me in blue.

My Wedding Day. 8/13/13
1st Anniversary (8/2014)

Easily 320lbs again. SMH

January 2016

January 2016

November 2016

November 2016

January 2016

December 2016

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