My GrandpaT always said at nearly every meal to at least one of us grandkids "Why don't you eat and leave the food alone?" Which, to a 5 yr old, is pretty confusing. I think I have it figured out, but don't tell my family. We all believe what we want about Grandpa's words of wisdom on just about everything in the world.
For me, I will simply say - it makes me wonder what in the world I really have eaten myself into...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ladies Love Country Boys

I saw this picture and thought "Yes, yes they do." Then it hit me the line said "Ladies". That word makes me smile. My Daddy raised me to be a lady. I learned how from my mom. There are certain things that a lady does and does not do. Ladies never sweat; we perspire, or glow. Ladies never pass gas. Ladies never belch. Ladies never wear white before Memorial Day or after Labor Day (Thank goodness that is not necessarily true anymore). And the list goes on....

What is funny is the most lady like lady I ever met was my mom's best friend. She also happened to be the mom of my best friend. She also did every one of those "never's" and then some when we were at the house, just the family. I still found her to be a tremendous lady. Through her, her daughter, my mom and our collective friendships, I learned how to be a true lady and still be true to myself (I also learned how to be a good friend to my mom while still being a daughter, but that is another blog). I learned the biggest key to being a lady is loving one's self, and having respect for your self. Because no matter how respectable you behave, if you don't respect yourself, no one will respect you.

And as for those Country boys? They come in all shapes and sizes, and all backgrounds. It's finding one that respects you that's the most important.

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